Friday, September 08, 2006

Radical Islamic Terrorists Are Not Fascists

Mr. Rumsfeld's speech to the American Legion has solidified my thoughts of how the Administration has no understanding of radical Islamic terrorists.

Fascism is defined as:

"a radical political ideology that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism." (Wikopedia)

"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." (Mirriam-Webster Online)

For a time it sounded appropriate to call the terrorists Fascists. It appears to be common sense that a nation run by a radical religion would meet the above definition, which is why America's founders separated religion from state.

Fascism is not about religion. ((Well, now that I reflect, fascism may be about religion if one considers the Fuehrer's interest in the satanic arts and finding the Ark Of Covenant or the Holy Grail)). Fascism is not about God and peace.

Islam is about God and about peace.
Christianity is about God and about peace.
Judaism is about God and about peace.
And.....And 2 of the 3 have a radical religious side. The Crusades.......

Radical Islam is a religion and the Administration does not understand this.

As Mr. Rumsfeld reminded the American Legion; we stood up against the fascists of the past and we won. This is correct, we could fight the fascists of the past because they were dictators over nations and they controlled armies. And the fascist dictators designed uniforms for their armies to wear.

Radical Islamic terrorists have no nations as the fascists had. Terrorist groups may be secretly or openly sponsored by nations, but this is different from a fascist nation. Radical Islam's armies are spread in cells over many nations. Their leaders are not best described as dictators. And their soldiers have no uniforms.

They praise Allah and believe they know what Allah's wishes are.

If the world did succumb to radical Islam, it would be a Theocracy, not a fascist dictatorship. Imams or Ayatollahs would lead radical Islamic theocracies. Or the government could be in the form of an Islamic Republic, such as found in Iran. Like in a democracy, the people vote for a president and legislators, but the candidates are named by religious clerics.

They praise Allah and believe they know what Allah's wishes are.

No, the radical Islamic terrorists are not fascists. They are dangerous religious crusaders.

So, what to do?


At 12:13 AM, Blogger 1PA said...

Well said Craig,
But defining the right name to call them is way far from defining what got us all here, understanding what went wrong in the first place is 3/4 the way towards peace, unfortunately we are far from that, there are people on both sides (Plus a third party) that are benefiting too much from this mess, imposing their agenda on the world, peace is far, very far away.
P.S. In case anyone is wondering what got is here, it's injustice on your side teamed with corruption on ours.

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Craig said...

Thank you.
And how ironic and how shameful, for America, the land of justice, to behave that way in the world. I want to say it's about greed, about money.


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